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Widor is best known for his organ works. He was the first to compose an entire symphony for the instrument. Widor's Symphonie Symphonique pour orgue (Symphony No. 1) for organ was premiered in Paris in 1883. It is a large work in three movements: Adagio, Allegretto, Finale. It is not strictly speaking a symphony, as it lacks the standard traditional structure. However, the first movement, Adagio, is in sonata form. Widor would later rework the first movement into his second symphony, Symphonie Symphonique pour orchestre et orgue (Symphony No. 2) (1916). This work is also in three movements, in C major and lasting around fourteen minutes: Allegro, Adagio, Allegro. The second movement of Widor's symphony was inspired by a passage from Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris.
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