Miss Alli Set 001 To 199
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According to Roger Hegarty, the director of \"The War at Home\", who also served as the show's creator, Paul Haggis and the production crew decided to \"finish the story\" in Season 5[citation needed] after years of chafing over aspects of the show that they felt did not reflect reality, and to remove any \"obstacles\" to the show's final conclusion that had been set up by the show's previous seasons. This included not returning nearly all the beloved characters who had been killed off, e.g. Josh Dirge, Paula Goodluck, Heidi Slater, Woody, Kim Hewson, etc. The resulting plot arc begins 4 years after \"Miss Alli\" and takes place at Northview High School (also portrayed on the \"The Valley\" episode of Family).
Angelica gets upset and leaves Alli at the bus station. The next day Alli notices that Angelica is missing from school. Angelica tells Alli that she had a car accident and she ran into the back of a semi truck. She then finds out that she might be the victim of someone smuggling drugs to a group of criminals. At the bus station she has an angry exchange with a judge, whom she starts to talk about her life, but he begins to yell at her. Alli doesn't want to deal with it and asks the bus driver to take her to Toronto. On the bus, Alli senses that something bad is about to happen. The bus stops in a small town and the passengers are herded into a building with the rest of the crowd. Alli sees the building is a prison (and is therefore acting de facto as a prison bus bus station), a very bad sign. She gets detained in the prison when she tries to get out of the bus.
Alli has been living in a homeless shelter for the last couple of months and after seeing one of her classmates in the shelter she decides that it's time to leave. That afternoon she meets up with Angelica (who still has no money) and takes her to a bus station, but Angelica manages to make a call to a friend of her mother's and that friend comes to pick them up. 7211a4ac4a