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But if you are wondering why one of your posts (or any one of several) has a message like "65 msg" or "flameback", simple - somebody has a "flame" post going on. It happens from time to time, and it's no big deal. The person that sent that message is called a "flamebait"master, and the whole correspondence is called a "flame war". These often occur when someone becomes convinced they are being attacked unfairly and they want to make it stop. You can see many such questions posted by /r/whowhat, /r/whowas, even /r/whowereand who first became a chapter in our book of literature. In order to participate in an online chatroom
Working with large numbers of documents makes it easy for mistakes to occur. For example, if you search for all documents containing the term "tag" but don't repeat it, Lucene might find documents containing that exact word as well as documents containing "tagged" as a word. If you want the same search to be case insensitive, just prefix the pattern with a "?".
"Brook" is a popular user name in the LoCo Team Channel. Many people start using it when they first join the channel. However, some people don't like the name 'Brook' and I think it should be replaced with something else.
Candle burning is the most-used and most simple of the magical arts, and this book is chock full of any kind of candle burning spell one could want. From attracting love, luck, money or power to solving problems and learning secrets through dreams, its all here. d2c66b5586